
Our spiritual dimension gives students a broad range of faith experiences including Christian service, retreats, cultural immersions and pilgrimages and religious education. Students explore and understand different aspects of religion and have many opportunities to apply that understanding to real-life situations, empowering them to become Men for Others.


Our professional and dedicated teachers challenge and motivate each boy to achieve his academic potential whether that be a tertiary or non-tertiary pathway. As well as studying the traditional core subjects, boys can experience a rotation of exciting elective subjects that provides for the interests and academic needs of every boy.


Our boys learn about and experience culture through total immersion, under expert instruction, in the Visual and Performing Arts; which include vocal, instrumental, dance and drama performance. Students can explore their creative side, stimulate their imagination and extend themselves in many ways in a safe and comfortable environment.

(Healthy Body)

Building a healthy body is more than involvement in sport. It builds valuable life skills: team work, cooperation, communication and the ability to strive for success against difficulties. At Trinity, each boy is encouraged to be the best he can be, to set high goals and standards, to acknowledge the efforts of others and to be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.